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[MXQ]≫ Descargar Free Death on Blackheath A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel Anne Perry 0884883659018 Books

Death on Blackheath A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel Anne Perry 0884883659018 Books

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Death on Blackheath A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel Anne Perry 0884883659018 Books

I've read all of Anne Perry's Victorian novels and am a big fan of her work, in general. Her earlier works are vibrant, absolutely alive with period detail and color. They boast a swift tempo with action and suspense harmonized with romance and emotional insight. Her main characters are complex people who develop over time into seasoned and mature persons, credible and likable. The author's typically winning formula hasn't quite come together in this latest novel, in my opinion. Indeed, her last several novels seem to be more languid and formulaic. I wonder if Perry is simply getting bored with these characters and this time period? Death on Blackheath seems tired and often turgid to me. There is a lot of repetitive inner musings by Pitt and not much in the way of real action or suspense. As his investigation gets bogged down, so does the novel. Pitt, the recently promoted head of Special Branch has been called in to investigate the sudden disappearance of a housemaid in the home of a naval weapons expert. As the naval race between Britain and Germany was gearing up at the end of the 19th century, it was feared that the maid's disappearance threatened dire implications for national security. That should have provided a tense and urgent scenario for the reader, but somehow, this book never really got off the ground for me. There were so many thwarted avenues of investigation, not a lot of action, and Pitt's wife Charlotte, a spirited and clever woman who has played important roles in his earlier investigations, has a very limited role in this one. I think a number of Perry fans will find this novel not up to her usual standard, but as every Perry fan also knows, a ho-hum Perry novel is still better than a good many others.

Read Death on Blackheath A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel Anne Perry 0884883659018 Books

Tags : Death on Blackheath: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel [Anne Perry] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>NATIONAL BESTSELLER</b> Anne Perry’s superb New York Times</i> bestselling novels set in the glorious reign of Victoria are loved by readers far and wide. Now,Anne Perry,Death on Blackheath: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel,Ballantine Books,0345548388,Mystery & Detective - Historical,Mystery & Detective - Traditional,Murder;Investigation;Fiction.,Pitt, Charlotte (Fictitious character);Fiction.,Pitt, Thomas (Fictitious character);Fiction.,ENGLISH MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,England,Fiction,Fiction - Mystery Detective,Fiction Historical,Fiction Mystery & Detective Historical,Fiction Mystery & Detective Traditional,Fiction-Mystery & Detective,GENERAL,General Adult,Investigation,Monograph Series, any,Murder,MysterySuspense,PERRY, ANNE - PROSE & CRITICISM,Pitt, Charlotte (Fictitious character),Pitt, Thomas (Fictitious character),United States

Death on Blackheath A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel Anne Perry 0884883659018 Books Reviews

With each new installment to the series, I am always impressed by how carefully and deftly the author pays attention to not only the plot and the setting (and boy does she do a fab job with those), but also the humanizing of her flawed characters. Some characters come through the fire stronger and others as disappointments, but always interesting. By the end of the story, each significant character has become a mystery that is plumbed and then solved too.

And on a lighter note, I am always happy to reunite with Pitt, Charlotte, their children, Minnie Mae, Great Aunt Vespasia, Emily and Jack, Pitt's lieutenant Stover and his former commander Narraway. As they all work together and separate to help Pitt solve his cases, there is a glimpse into their personal lives.

In this episode, Pitt and Special Branch are called in because a murder occurs that may or may not have something to do with the professional life a man working on special secret work for the Navy. At first glance, it seems just another sordid murder for the local police to handle, but then little things start to stack up and become significant so that Pitt is forced to return to the matter. He then falls under the pressure of the Prime Minister's office to get it handled when somehow the case ends up becoming a topic of discussion in the House.

Meanwhile, Charlotte discovers that something is wrong between Emily and Jack and Vespasia discovers that she is not too old to be surprised by other people and also by her own feelings.

In the end, the case is very tangled and the danger does have far-reaching repercussions. Pitt and everyone else must all work together and fit together the clues they find to come to a solution.

This particular mystery was one that I found fairly easy to solve. I had the whos, whys, hows, etc early on, but it didn't make the story any less engaging for me. Part of the reason I figured it out was some of the characters were less subtle and drew attention to their actions and part of it was because it wasn't as complex as some of the plots in the series. I wouldn't say this is a complaint, but more of an observation. I found the focus on the human motive and behavior interesting enough along with the side stories to keep me reading with enjoyment.

All in all, I enjoyed this story that combined Pitt doing his old policework with his new responsibility of special services. Those who enjoy historical mysteries with an emphasis on historical accuracy, cunning plotting and well-drawn characters should give these a look-see.
Anne Perry's Thomas Pitt series has been a wonderful look at the Victorian world, its crimes characters and revelations. Each installment gives the reader another facet of Victorian life brought into excellent focus with Perry's careful descriptions and perceptive details. "Death on Blackheath" has many twists and turns. The reader begins to appreciate the complicated Victorian society and its political overtones. The rich and famous are shown to be hollow reeds when personal advancement and profit is in the offing. Women as well as men are equal villains and their class distinctions no salvation. "Blackheath" also brings new developments in the lives of our favorite characters. No one is static in Thomas Pitt's world which makes the reading of Perry's tales all the more interesting and believable. An excellent read.
Oh, my. Well, Anne Perry certainly has a track record. The earliest installments of her adventures of Thomas Pitt and his "highborn wife," Charlotte, were masterpieces. As the series has gone on...well.... In this installment, some grisly remains have been found on the property of a high ranking government official, which means that Special Branch, the government branch of law enforcement similar to our FBI, is called in to investigate. It sounds like an interesting plot, and it is...but I do wish Anne Perry would go back to the details that made her earlier books so engrossing. In these later entries, her characters become preachy. We spend much of our time reading of characters either sitting or standing absolutely still, thinking of the ramifications of their actions on their various relationships, be they social, familial, employment or otherwise. This gets tiresome after awhile. I want to scream at the page that these characters should stop ruminating and DO something, dammit! For all that, the plots are uniformly well done, and the solutions are satisfying. i just wish we could get to them with less pondering, is all.
I've read all of Anne Perry's Victorian novels and am a big fan of her work, in general. Her earlier works are vibrant, absolutely alive with period detail and color. They boast a swift tempo with action and suspense harmonized with romance and emotional insight. Her main characters are complex people who develop over time into seasoned and mature persons, credible and likable. The author's typically winning formula hasn't quite come together in this latest novel, in my opinion. Indeed, her last several novels seem to be more languid and formulaic. I wonder if Perry is simply getting bored with these characters and this time period? Death on Blackheath seems tired and often turgid to me. There is a lot of repetitive inner musings by Pitt and not much in the way of real action or suspense. As his investigation gets bogged down, so does the novel. Pitt, the recently promoted head of Special Branch has been called in to investigate the sudden disappearance of a housemaid in the home of a naval weapons expert. As the naval race between Britain and Germany was gearing up at the end of the 19th century, it was feared that the maid's disappearance threatened dire implications for national security. That should have provided a tense and urgent scenario for the reader, but somehow, this book never really got off the ground for me. There were so many thwarted avenues of investigation, not a lot of action, and Pitt's wife Charlotte, a spirited and clever woman who has played important roles in his earlier investigations, has a very limited role in this one. I think a number of Perry fans will find this novel not up to her usual standard, but as every Perry fan also knows, a ho-hum Perry novel is still better than a good many others.
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