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Collecting Candace Susan M Brooks 9780972932936 Books

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Collecting Candace Susan M Brooks 9780972932936 Books

Collecting Candace is one of the most powerful books I've read in a long time. The emotions conveyed from the inner thoughts of a man, willing to do anything for a woman he just met, is as real and raw as one can get. Susan M. Brooks has written a brilliant novel, showing us the gritty side of human nature.

At the Hi-N-Dri 24-Hour Liquor and Market, on an average night, She walks in. Candace. A woman who moves him in a way that is beyond all his comprehension. From a single conversation, she talks about her life; the people who have left her, and the things that make up the woman she is. The others, the men responsible for taking away pieces of her, become the enemy. His mission becomes quite clear, to make her whole and complete again, and to give back what was taken, by any measure possible. His drive becomes more than a proof of love, but instead a justifiable means to an end, the end of her pain and missing pieces.

With Candace by his side, he is unstoppable, and views himself as her protector, the one "man" who stays with her, and wouldn't dare leave. He battles his nightmares, guilt, and the constant nagging voices. Everything in his life is on the line and yet, it's all worth it, because of Candace. She is more than a woman; she becomes his religion, his goal, and a state of being.

This isn't a story about love gone wrong or the breakdown of one man's mind, but rather it is many elements all in one. If you look closely, you will view their addictions to one another, the pain they suffer alone and together, and the intense highs and lows of the never-ending cycle of events that take place. The reader is given an astute inside look at what makes a person do things they generally know are wrong. Nothing else exists except for the reality they make as their own.

Collecting Candace is disturbing, bittersweet, beautiful, and haunting. This isn't a story where you applaud or even try to understand, but one that educates, satisfies, and begs you to finish. The author has an unrelenting way of describing a scene to perfection; you can see and taste everything so clearly. Susan M. Brooks is a rising star in the writing field as far as I'm concerned. Collecting Candace is a trip into a blissful insanity, and will linger on your mind for a long time. To find out more about this book, please give this link a look: [...]

Read Collecting Candace Susan M Brooks 9780972932936 Books

Tags : Collecting Candace [Susan M. Brooks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Collecting Candace is a murderous mission of faith taken by one man to reclaim the lost pieces of the woman he believes can be whole again only when he has killed her ex-husbands. A dark,Susan M. Brooks,Collecting Candace,Small Dogs Press,0972932933,ISBN3E-0406,Literary,FICTION Literary,Fiction,Fiction - Psychological Suspense,Fiction General,Fiction-Literary,GENERAL,Psychological,Suspense

Collecting Candace Susan M Brooks 9780972932936 Books Reviews

That is the first thing that came to mind when finishing this book. "Collecting Candace" is a book that I read in a matter of days, as well as two times, I loved it that much. The author has a way to her writing that almost puts you in a trance - meaning it pulls you into the story as if you're in the same room observing this perfectly described sense of chaos that carries out through the whole book.

The book trailer at it's website is something that everyone should go see, whether you've read "Collecting Candace" or not. It's a thirty seconds that will leave you wanting to read it right then and there. I loved, loved, loved this book - a completely original, dark, frightening and powerful story.
Brooks has been compared to Faulkner -- that might be true, but I've never been able to finish Faulkner and I could not put this book down. Her writing is wonderful, full of atmosphere. The characters are both creepy and sympathetic. I felt like I was in the car with them hurtling toward the inevitable.

Brooks shows a fascinating understanding of human psychology and a penchant towards gritty horror. The book is a great read -- summer, winter, anytime. I hope they make a movie out of this. After reading the book I went to the website and saw the video made about the book. Definitely worth a look.
Collecting Candace reminds me of William Faulkner's stories. They are stark, realistic and run along fatalistic lines in the story as well as the characters. In Collecting Candace, there's only one character that suffers and that's the man that Candace selects to perform her killings of exhusbands so that she can begin with a clean slate.

Collecting Candace isn't for everyone, but if you ever want to stray over the line and see the dark undercurrents of what an insincere heart can do, then read this book. It's brief and bare outlines of how Candace attracts these men is one step below a madam collecting her own personal escorts for going out on the town. Nothing sticks to her. She is remote and like teflon, everything rolls off and away from her. Her problems, her difficulties are fostered on the poor man who takes up her cause. Instead of a white knight, the man becomes blackened and stained with Candace's own disregard for truth, justice, and the bond of love and marriage. I rate Collecting Candace five stars.

It's not for one sit-me-down reading, but a book that requires space so you, the reader, can come up for air and wipe the sweat from your brow.
If reading about really twisted people just isn't your cup of hemlock, this probably isn't the book for you. In fact, this tale is so dark you may need to turn on extra lights.

But as a trip into the warped psyche of a pair of sociopaths with no redeeming social value whatever, COLLECTING CANDACE is a brilliant piece of fiction. That Ms. Brooks can keep you reading to the end despite the fact her characters make you want to run and shower every so often is testimony to both her skill as a writer and the human fascination with anyone whose mindset is so totally alien we find it hard to believe we share the same species.

There's no redemption here, no remorse, no rescue. Candace and her companion are no one you'd want to invite over to dinner, unless you have a serious death wish. Yet there is at the same time something fatally fascinating about them--the same fascination that draws us to watch as the firemen pull the bloody bodies from the twisted wreckage.

It's a good thing this book is short, because you will not want to put it down.
Collecting Candace is one of the most powerful books I've read in a long time. The emotions conveyed from the inner thoughts of a man, willing to do anything for a woman he just met, is as real and raw as one can get. Susan M. Brooks has written a brilliant novel, showing us the gritty side of human nature.

At the Hi-N-Dri 24-Hour Liquor and Market, on an average night, She walks in. Candace. A woman who moves him in a way that is beyond all his comprehension. From a single conversation, she talks about her life; the people who have left her, and the things that make up the woman she is. The others, the men responsible for taking away pieces of her, become the enemy. His mission becomes quite clear, to make her whole and complete again, and to give back what was taken, by any measure possible. His drive becomes more than a proof of love, but instead a justifiable means to an end, the end of her pain and missing pieces.

With Candace by his side, he is unstoppable, and views himself as her protector, the one "man" who stays with her, and wouldn't dare leave. He battles his nightmares, guilt, and the constant nagging voices. Everything in his life is on the line and yet, it's all worth it, because of Candace. She is more than a woman; she becomes his religion, his goal, and a state of being.

This isn't a story about love gone wrong or the breakdown of one man's mind, but rather it is many elements all in one. If you look closely, you will view their addictions to one another, the pain they suffer alone and together, and the intense highs and lows of the never-ending cycle of events that take place. The reader is given an astute inside look at what makes a person do things they generally know are wrong. Nothing else exists except for the reality they make as their own.

Collecting Candace is disturbing, bittersweet, beautiful, and haunting. This isn't a story where you applaud or even try to understand, but one that educates, satisfies, and begs you to finish. The author has an unrelenting way of describing a scene to perfection; you can see and taste everything so clearly. Susan M. Brooks is a rising star in the writing field as far as I'm concerned. Collecting Candace is a trip into a blissful insanity, and will linger on your mind for a long time. To find out more about this book, please give this link a look [...]
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