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[JGW]≫ Read Gratis Emperor of Thorns The Broken Empire Mark Lawrence 9780425256855 Books

Emperor of Thorns The Broken Empire Mark Lawrence 9780425256855 Books

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Emperor of Thorns The Broken Empire Mark Lawrence 9780425256855 Books

Damn, I’m depressed. I cried. A lot. I won’t reveal whether it was because of the happy ending I had so hoped for or if it was for the sad ending I had so expected. I just cried.

Ugh... Where to begin...

If you’ve read my reviews thus far, you’ll know Jorg is by far one of the most complicated characters I’ve ever read; a character that can pull just about every emotion from me. I think this book gave us the most insight into Jorg’s growth, and it shows us even more reasons why he ended up the way he did. It was heart breaking to read about, and after the scene in the abby, I had to put it down and take a moment to collect myself. Lawrence’s ability to convey Jorg’s feelings so simply has more impact than I could ever convey.

I have one complaint, and it’s minimal. This book felt a tinsy bit more descriptive than the other books. Or maybe I was just impatient to know what happened. I especially noticed this when they arrived at the emperor’s palace. Again, for those of you who haven’t read my other reviews, I’m not a fan of description so it’s very easy for my mind to wander during those sections.

My only disappointment came from Miana. I’d hoped to get to know her better, but both Katherine and Miana took a back seat in this book, whereas in book 2 they felt more important. I think Jorg stole the show, and since I’ve grown so attached to him, I ended up being fine with this while reading, but upon reflection I would have liked more time with the girls.

The world turned out to be extremely interesting, in my opinion. Things just seemed to start clicking into place as I read. I learned new stuff, got a few answers, and ended up with new questions that were never answered. Fine by me. I like a bit of mystery, and this book let the mind speculate. For a reader who becomes bored with a lot of world building, I must say I finally found a book that actually made me curious about the world. I didn’t just enjoy it. I didn’t just settle into it. I thought about. I listened and wanted to learn. That’s a huge accomplishment on Lawrence’s part.

I became a bit bored during the sections with Chella, but that’s because I had grown so fond of Jorg’s PoV that I wanted to be there all the time. There’s nothing to fault in it, and it was important.

Once again I found Lawrence’s writing to be stunning, and I think each book jumped to a new level, pulling me under and never letting me go. It’s a damn hard book to put down. It makes one think. It makes one feel. And, for me, it made me cry. It came down to how brilliantly Lawrence weaved a sentence and how engaging his characters were, even if they weren’t the saints we’re used to reading about.

Overall, I’d recommend this book to everyone I know, but sadly, I don’t think everyone would look at it the way it was meant to be seen. I know my mother wouldn’t. But my sister would. So I’ll talk it up to those I think would love it, and will think about it for years to come. It definitely gets under ones skin.

Read Emperor of Thorns The Broken Empire Mark Lawrence 9780425256855 Books

Tags : Emperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire) [Mark Lawrence] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Mark Lawrence brings to a thrilling close his epic trilogy of a boy who would be king, a king who would desire an empire—and an empire on the edge of destruction… King Jorg Ancrath is twenty now—and king of seven nations. </b> His goal—revenge against his father—has not yet been realized,Mark Lawrence,Emperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire),Ace,0425256855,Fantasy - Epic,Fantasy fiction.,Fantasy,Fantasy - General,Fantasy fiction,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Epic,Fiction Fantasy General,Fiction-Fantasy,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,United States

Emperor of Thorns The Broken Empire Mark Lawrence 9780425256855 Books Reviews

Excellent, heartfelt and exciting story.

King Jorg continues on his quest to be Emperor. He takes down his enemies and anyone in his way. Yet, he's grown and matured. His past continues to haunt him and he finally is able to confront his truth. The truth is no matter how many successes he achieves, his conscience will never clear until he's able to redeem his failure to save his little brother. This fact isn't immediately apparent to King Jorg but he comes to this conclusion late in the book.

The Dead King remains in pursuit of the realm and King Jorg must stop the rising dead. He eventually learns what he must do to win, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice and forfeiting what's dear to him.

In the end, King Jorg becomes an honorable man. He shows us that no matter how far one goes in life, the scars that tend to bind our hearts are the ones received in early years. King Jorg can rule the world but until he redeems himself for his choices, where he feels he chose a cowardice's path, he will never find inner peace. So he makes a final decision, for the life of his son, his friends, his kingdom and for the ghosts of his past.

We see a boy go from being a tyrant, to an infallible ruler who despite his arbitrary and difficult nature, was really a brave, good man plagued with torment. He does find peace.

Excellent story of a boy's rise to power and what he does with it in the end. Bravo!
All in all this was an okay series. I definitely loved the first book the most out of all of them. What let me down in this one was a couple things. First we never really did get an explanation to how the Dead King came about. Also I don't feel like the Dead King posed that much of a threat to our characters or the story at all. Also the world building I struggled with in this one. I don't totally feel like it was harnessed or explained very well, which is a shame because it clearly takes place within our world and I shouldn't struggle with it but I did if that makes sense. The story again is told through three different point of views. I love the new added point of view in this one better then I liked the one in the second book so that's a plus. I also love Jorg as a character and I feel like you got to see a somewhat more humane side and there is a reason for that but its spoilery. The series itself wrapped up very nicely and I am very satisfied.

Prince of Thorns-4/5
King of Thorns-3/5
Emperor of Thorns-3/5

The Broken Empire Trilogy-10/15
Damn, I’m depressed. I cried. A lot. I won’t reveal whether it was because of the happy ending I had so hoped for or if it was for the sad ending I had so expected. I just cried.

Ugh... Where to begin...

If you’ve read my reviews thus far, you’ll know Jorg is by far one of the most complicated characters I’ve ever read; a character that can pull just about every emotion from me. I think this book gave us the most insight into Jorg’s growth, and it shows us even more reasons why he ended up the way he did. It was heart breaking to read about, and after the scene in the abby, I had to put it down and take a moment to collect myself. Lawrence’s ability to convey Jorg’s feelings so simply has more impact than I could ever convey.

I have one complaint, and it’s minimal. This book felt a tinsy bit more descriptive than the other books. Or maybe I was just impatient to know what happened. I especially noticed this when they arrived at the emperor’s palace. Again, for those of you who haven’t read my other reviews, I’m not a fan of description so it’s very easy for my mind to wander during those sections.

My only disappointment came from Miana. I’d hoped to get to know her better, but both Katherine and Miana took a back seat in this book, whereas in book 2 they felt more important. I think Jorg stole the show, and since I’ve grown so attached to him, I ended up being fine with this while reading, but upon reflection I would have liked more time with the girls.

The world turned out to be extremely interesting, in my opinion. Things just seemed to start clicking into place as I read. I learned new stuff, got a few answers, and ended up with new questions that were never answered. Fine by me. I like a bit of mystery, and this book let the mind speculate. For a reader who becomes bored with a lot of world building, I must say I finally found a book that actually made me curious about the world. I didn’t just enjoy it. I didn’t just settle into it. I thought about. I listened and wanted to learn. That’s a huge accomplishment on Lawrence’s part.

I became a bit bored during the sections with Chella, but that’s because I had grown so fond of Jorg’s PoV that I wanted to be there all the time. There’s nothing to fault in it, and it was important.

Once again I found Lawrence’s writing to be stunning, and I think each book jumped to a new level, pulling me under and never letting me go. It’s a damn hard book to put down. It makes one think. It makes one feel. And, for me, it made me cry. It came down to how brilliantly Lawrence weaved a sentence and how engaging his characters were, even if they weren’t the saints we’re used to reading about.

Overall, I’d recommend this book to everyone I know, but sadly, I don’t think everyone would look at it the way it was meant to be seen. I know my mother wouldn’t. But my sister would. So I’ll talk it up to those I think would love it, and will think about it for years to come. It definitely gets under ones skin.
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