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Bad Taste in Boys Kate Grable #1 9780375898068 Books

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Bad Taste in Boys Kate Grable #1 9780375898068 Books

Speaking of being bad, I'm absolutely horrible because Bad Taste in Boys has been out for OVER A YEAR and I've just read it. Why, why, why did it take me so long to get my act together? The only good thing about my tardiness is the fact that I can now immediately dive into the sequel, Bad Hair Day, and the short companion story, Bad Yeti!

Kate Grable is a smart, butt-kicking heroine who spends her days focused on getting into an awesome school and making medical history as Kate Grable, M.D., dreaming of catching the eye of her quarterback crush, Aaron, and making hilarious observations about the world around her. Little does she know, a virus is about to sweep through her school, leaving many of her peers with zombie-like tendencies. With all the limbs and body parts people keep losing, she'll be lucky if she doesn't end up literally catching Aaron's eye.

It seems impossible that a book could make a reader gag and laugh within the space of a paragraph, but Bad Taste in Boys proves it's entirely possible... and surprisingly likely. Kate's life might be a complete and often gory mess during the novel (ya know, zombies and all), but the reader can't help but laugh as Kate describes the ridiculous things happening around her.

Kate has just the right amounts of confidence and insecurity to make relating to her easy. She's obviously got a lot going for her, but she doesn't see it herself. She's smart and, though she's sure of her abilities, she's not cocky. She doesn't realize she's got beauty in addition to brains, but Carrie Harris doesn't portray this in an annoying, false way. Kate doesn't put herself down about not being conventionally beautiful. I was thankful that I never once thought to myself: I feel like this character is constantly talking about how ugly she is just so I'll think in my head, "no silly, you look great!" Kate might sometimes feel self conscious when she considers her looks, but she doesn't dwell - she's got way more important things to worry about. Like that zombie over there.

When I read that Kate's crush is a popular football player and her best friends are equally popular, I was worried that Bad Taste in Boys would suffer from Horrible Best Friends and This Guy Is Way Too Good For Me Syndrome, but I was wrong! Instead, Kate's friends, though they didn't play a super huge role in the novel, were pretty fantastic, and Aaron was adorable. Plus, he's a super fantastic guy that doesn't suffer from an overly inflated ego. Big shoutout to supportive secondary characters!

In conclusion, don't be a bad, be good! And by good, I mean read Bad Taste in Boys sooner than later!

Read Bad Taste in Boys Kate Grable #1 9780375898068 Books

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Bad Taste in Boys Kate Grable #1 9780375898068 Books Reviews

I was told by my good friend MB to check out a book written by a good friend of his that was coming out soon. When I read the synopsis of Bad Taste in Boys I decided I would give it a try. As usual MB, you picked a great book for me to read.

Bad Taste pulls you in from the very first chapter and keeps you wanting to turn page after page. It shows the awkwardness of high school with its caste system in place, with a nice twist. In the face of sooo many vampire/werewolf books and movies out there it was good to have a different supernatural creature to read about that was well written. There a some one line jokes in the book that will put a smile on your face, but they don't distract from the story line.

Kate Grable, a high school Sr. is the student trainer for the football team. She becomes distressed after finding out that the coach has been injecting some of the players with what she suspects to be steroids. This isn't the case however. When she is attacked by both her ex, Mike and the coach, Kate decides to do some testing on the mysterious medications her own and discovers a virus, and this virus causes its victim's to turn into zombies.

I really enjoyed reading Bad Taste, as I was impressed that even the class brain was able to snag the boy of her dreams.

The good guys may always finish last, but with normally better looking significant others.

I look forward to reading other books by Harris in the future.

4 of 5 stars
"And then I was running through the yard hand and hand with Aaron. It was very romantic except for the part where I yelled, "Rocky, get the first-aid kit out of my car! And make sure you don't get any puke on it!"" - Kate Grable

There are two things that make uber-brain Kate Grable's job as student trainer to history's worst high school football team worthwhile. First, it's going to look sweet on her college applications, which will help Kate get into a top flight pre-med program. It's not like Kate's the only super-science-geek in the country who wants to be a physician and being able to list the student trainer job will help her applications stand out. And the second worthwhile thing? Aaron Kingsman, full stop. Starting quarterback, smart enough to outscore Kate on a test in AP Biology, yeah, pretty much perfect. Of course, about the best Kate can hope for from Aaron is a nod or maybe (swoon) a smile but still, being the student trainer gives her the chance to be close to him most afternoons.

If it wasn't for her gig with the football team, Kate never would have come across the mysterious medicine vials and syringes in Coach Brzeszczak's office. And no matter how many times Coach repeats it, Kate is never going to believe those vials are filled with injectable B-12. Vitamins - heck, all legal medicines - are clearly labelled. The funny thing is, once Kate manages to get a sample and run some tests, she's pretty sure those shots aren't steroids either. But when some of the defensive linemen start acting stranger than boy-normal, Kate realizes she's going to have to figure out just what, exactly, the coach could have injected them with that would turn them into... zombies?

I love me a good zombie story and Bad Taste in Boys is a particularly fun tale of limb loss, undead cannibalism and really bad breath. Kate is the perfect heroine and much closer to real life than your standard fictional science geek. She may be socially awkward from time to time, but she's not a total outcast. She has friends and a relatively normal family and a combination of insecurities and strengths that you would expect to find in any normal high school girl. The secondary characters - Kate's friends, her brother, Aaron, the zombies - are also well drawn and even though we don't know their life stories, they're three dimensional individuals.

One of the things I really loved about Bad Taste in Boys was the humor, but I also appreciated the fact that Ms. Harris didn't let zingers and one-liners overrun the story. Bad Taste in Boys has a solid, fast-moving, well-written plot, some seriously skeevy zombie scenes and a heroine whose head I enjoyed being inside - in a purely, non-brain-eating way, of course. All in all, Bad Taste in Boys is a thoroughly satisfying read and tons of fun to boot. I can't wait for Ms. Harris's next novel.
Speaking of being bad, I'm absolutely horrible because Bad Taste in Boys has been out for OVER A YEAR and I've just read it. Why, why, why did it take me so long to get my act together? The only good thing about my tardiness is the fact that I can now immediately dive into the sequel, Bad Hair Day, and the short companion story, Bad Yeti!

Kate Grable is a smart, butt-kicking heroine who spends her days focused on getting into an awesome school and making medical history as Kate Grable, M.D., dreaming of catching the eye of her quarterback crush, Aaron, and making hilarious observations about the world around her. Little does she know, a virus is about to sweep through her school, leaving many of her peers with zombie-like tendencies. With all the limbs and body parts people keep losing, she'll be lucky if she doesn't end up literally catching Aaron's eye.

It seems impossible that a book could make a reader gag and laugh within the space of a paragraph, but Bad Taste in Boys proves it's entirely possible... and surprisingly likely. Kate's life might be a complete and often gory mess during the novel (ya know, zombies and all), but the reader can't help but laugh as Kate describes the ridiculous things happening around her.

Kate has just the right amounts of confidence and insecurity to make relating to her easy. She's obviously got a lot going for her, but she doesn't see it herself. She's smart and, though she's sure of her abilities, she's not cocky. She doesn't realize she's got beauty in addition to brains, but Carrie Harris doesn't portray this in an annoying, false way. Kate doesn't put herself down about not being conventionally beautiful. I was thankful that I never once thought to myself I feel like this character is constantly talking about how ugly she is just so I'll think in my head, "no silly, you look great!" Kate might sometimes feel self conscious when she considers her looks, but she doesn't dwell - she's got way more important things to worry about. Like that zombie over there.

When I read that Kate's crush is a popular football player and her best friends are equally popular, I was worried that Bad Taste in Boys would suffer from Horrible Best Friends and This Guy Is Way Too Good For Me Syndrome, but I was wrong! Instead, Kate's friends, though they didn't play a super huge role in the novel, were pretty fantastic, and Aaron was adorable. Plus, he's a super fantastic guy that doesn't suffer from an overly inflated ego. Big shoutout to supportive secondary characters!

In conclusion, don't be a bad, be good! And by good, I mean read Bad Taste in Boys sooner than later!
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